Emergency Planning & Training

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Our focus is to deliver personalised solutions to your emergency planning and training requirements. It is our job to make it as easy as possible to reduce risk and comply with Australian Standard 3745 (2010). We offer a broad range of customised emergency manuals, plans and training including emergency response procedure plans/manuals, evacuation diagrams, emergency equipment provision, warden training, fire equipment training and evacuation exercises.

Many industries require regular fire equipment training and evacuation exercises each year to ensure ongoing compliance with accreditation standards. Occupancy permits for some workplaces will also require evacuation diagrams and/or evacuation exercises be provided as part of the building Essential Safety Measures.

Making compliance hassle free is what we are all about, as non-compliance with legislation and standards may result in state WorkCover authorities issuing an improvement notice, building surveyors or the fire brigade issuing fines or closing buildings or accreditation authorities not providing accreditation.


TESG’s site specific plans and manuals are focused on making sure you meet legislation and compliance standards, and at the same time, delivering a practical approach to how your site operates.

We develop customised emergency response procedures manuals that will provide information to wardens, support all your training requirements, and act as a reference source when needed. All our plans and manuals meet AS3745.

Your manual will include compulsory elements such as,

  • contact information for contractors and wardens
  • instructions on how to respond to a variety of emergencies
  • details of warden roles
  • building floor plans
  • checklists that can be used to assist in an emergency

TESG work with you to tailor your manuals to your specific sites, including a personalised risk assessment. Your risk assessment will outline if there is any potential for a range of emergencies that could occur on site.

With a full range of customised templates to chose from, TESG develops evacuation diagrams from an onsite visit or utilising your existing drawings.

Our plans provide accurate evacuation details that will direct your occupants to safety. All plans comply with AS3745 and are provided as a 2D full colour A3 laminated diagram with the correct orientation for the location.

All plans include symbols identifying the location of installed equipment and Assembly Areas. We can also supply frames or Perspex covers to ensure your diagrams are protected and are easy to view.

At TESG we have all your emergency planning and training requirements covered. We are here to make it as easy as possible when it comes to ensuring you comply with current regulations. TESG provide complete warden equipment packs that will assist with identification and management during an emergency, these packs include:

  • Evac Packs
  • Warden Caps
  • Warden Helmets
  • Warden Vests
  • Torch
  • Whistle
  • First Aid Kit


The TESG fire warden training program will provide your people will the skills required to safely evacuate your workplace. Regular evacuation training will ensure that your occupants are ready to deal with any emergency. A variety of emergencies are discussed, and the training includes details of Warden roles and managing occupants of the workplace in an emergency. This can be provided on-site or through public sessions attended by a variety of workplaces. Some of our specialised training programs include;

  • Emergency control organisation
  • Chief warden and comms officer
  • Area warden and warden
  • Occupant emergency procedure awareness
  • First response
  • Front of House threat/intrusion

Fire equipment training is a vital part of your workplace emergency response unit. This training includes practical guidance on the use of fire equipment and should be provided to all wardens to ensure they know how to respond appropriately to a variety of emergencies in their workplace. Practical training on the use of Fire Extinguishers and Fire Blankets can also be provided. This service can be on-site or through public sessions attended by a variety of workplaces.

It is essential that all occupants of a workplace participate in an evacuation exercise each year. These evacuation exercises are designed to test your emergency response procedures and observe wardens following their roles during a simulated emergency.

TESG use various scenarios to test the procedures and the warden’s response. A detailed report will be provided based on our observations and the time taken to evacuate the workplace. When an occupancy permit is required, additional evacuation exercises will need to be completed. TESG can reduce the impact on your business by facilitating desk-top exercises. These will not only be less intrusive but also be done in a lot less time.